Hitting the high notes
During the 72nd session of the annual Rhododendron Girls State, the chorus continues its tradition of excellence.
During the time I observed the talented ladies, Ashley Brunner, a Citizen of Rhododendron Girls State, was acting as conductor. With a sort of confidence that emulates what RGS is, the choir performed My Home Among the Hills. The song was both gentle, yet powerful, and all around beautiful. The song in which I had the privilege to hear emphasized the grander of our state and it couldn’t have sounded any lovelier than it did coming from the ladies.
Getting involved in county government
By Ashley Hartzell, Lewis
West Virginia is comprised of 55 subdivisions created by Legislature, known as counties. Each county is made up of numerous elected officials who are in charge of the different jobs and roles in county government. Although every county is a separate unit of the overall state government, that all collectively contributes to the maintenance and growth of West Virginia.
City government keeps it running smoothly
By Erika Utt, Marion
Every single city in every single county in West Virginia needs to be run by a chosen group of officials, the city council, to function smoothly and properly. Each city council is responsible for hosting public events such as parades, gathering up everyone’s taxes to pay for certain services such as cutting down tall grass in city areas, tearing down evacuated and useless buildings, and paving bumpy and torn up roads, etc.This is one of the many things you learn about during City Government, run by Allison O’Konski. During this very informational class, the girls are brought in to learn about all of the positions of leadership and council in their city.They learn exactly how important each individual position is, its purpose, and what tasks the person elected to that position will have to perform.Also during this class, a YouTube video was shown on Wheeling, WV, and
Girls State preps for college
By Jillian Wiseman, Monongalia
Citizens of Girls State 2014 had the opportunity to learn about the college admissions process and Wheeling Jesuit University. Vince Sirianni, a 2001 graduate from Wheeling Jesuit and now admissions counselor, began by teaching about the importance of letters of recommendations, ACT scores, campus visits, personal essays, and interview etiquette. Above all else, he stressed the point of making friends not only with your high school guidance counselor, but with your college admissions officer as well. After learning about the admissions process, he taught about life at Wheeling-Jesuit University. With a little over 1,000 students enrolled, Wheeling-Jesuit is a small school which can focus on the individual development of a person. Roughly 50 percent of the student population participates in sports, and all teams are very competitive. Mr. Sirianni helped make the application process for all Girls State citizens easier, by helping to inform us.